Police Hero!

Honor and duty first with rare courage, Public Safety Director Dennis Edwards would not allow his officers to enforce speed limits that were not posted in compliance with Michigan State law. The price for standing on principles, administrative leave and being replaced with another police official that has no qualms about enforcing illegally posted speed limits!

Grand Haven, Michigan

Dennis Edwards

The newspaper story that chronicles the events. The Muskegon Dispatch - Grand Haven Public Safety Director Dennis Edwards claims he was placed on leave for following state law

"He said speed limits on some city streets don’t comply with Public Act 85, a 2006 law that adjusted the way the limits are determined in Michigan. Asking officers to ticket motorists on those streets puts the city at risk of legal trouble, Edwards said."

“A police officer cannot be ordered to violate a law or take any action which is unethical, immoral or illegal,” he said. “To do so leaves the department, its officers and this city at risk from lawsuit and violations of civil rights.”